Next, I got my measuring cups and trusty sous chef to help!! (Doesn't she look cute in her little apron?)

Then, the flour. Thank goodness she didn't have to measure it herself, or these would have been made of 75 cups of flour. She loved this part!!

Adding the nutmeg and baking powder. Mama added the milk, it was just too easy to spill :)

Stirring her magic potion!

Watching while mama filled the muffin cups.

While the muffins baked, Robyn mixed up the cinnamon sugar...and then we watched a little through the oven door.

We got 18 mini muffins from this recipe. We let them cool about 5 minutes before removing them from the pan.

Because they were warm, and this step was not as toddler friendly, I dipped the tops of each muffin in melted butter...

Robyn couldn't wait to try them!!! Notice she has one in each hand :)

These were a quick and easy breakfast...and extremely addicting!!!

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